Art Director: Rock Schafermeyer // Creative Team: Sarah Johnson, Marc Thaler, and Mackenzie Ames
Created at Centerline Digital for IBM Z
The initial client ask was to create landing page design for a Z Spark Analytics campaign. That design would then be used to create other assets across the campaign, tying all of the separate pieces together.
As the designer for the project, I created the initial look and feel for the landing page. The page speaks back to Z branding through the overall color palette, but, to differentiate it from other assets, doesn’t use the usual brand patterns. The client’s theme of “data gravity” comes through with the night sky images used throughout the campaign.
The social assets were Twitter “quizzes”; the tweet would have a question and two image attachments, showing two different answers the user could choose from. The slideshare was designed to be simple and clean without too many words on any slide. Again, based heavily off of the idea of the night sky, with semi-transparent icons representing constellations and using bright pops of color to add interest.